Two common reasons why gardening enthusiasts buy chainsaws

Two common reasons why gardening enthusiasts buy chainsaws

13 June 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Here are a couple of reasons why many garden enthusiasts buy chainsaws.

To make the pruning of their trees quicker, easier and safer

Any gardening enthusiast with trees in their garden will need to periodically prune their branches to keep the trees healthy and neat-looking. Doing this with a manual tool, like pruning shears or a saw, can be hard work. A person using this tool may need to use a lot of force and spend a lot of time on this task (especially when cutting through the tree's thicker branches). Furthermore, they may need to use a ladder to get to the taller branches, and staying balanced on this equipment whilst they use their pruning shears or saw could be challenging and put them at risk of a fall.

Gardners who routinely prune their trees will often end up buying chainsaws, as this tool can make the pruning process faster, easier and safer. Because a chainsaw's blade is extremely sharp and moves so rapidly, a gardener can cut through even their trees' thickest branches quickly with this power tool, with hardly any physical effort. Additionally, the relatively long length of a chainsaw's blade means that the gardener using it might be able to access their small-to-medium sized trees' upper branches either from the ground or whilst perched on a small stepladder. Not having to stand too high off the ground whilst using this tool could reduce the gardener's risk of falling.

To enable them to quickly restore the condition of their garden after a storm

Another reason why so many gardening enthusiasts buy chainsaws is that this tool can be very useful when a person needs to restore their garden after a storm. For example, if a person's tree collapses onto their garden's flowerbeds during a storm, they could use a chainsaw to quickly cut up the fallen tree so they could then access and fix the crushed flowerbeds. They could also use the chainsaw to remove the collapsed tree's stump if they wanted to prevent the tree from growing back. Additionally, if a person's wooden fence has sustained damage during a storm, they could use the chainsaw to neatly slice off any sections of it that are beyond repair and need to be replaced.

Because a chainsaw can make very clean, precise cuts in wood, without creating splinters, it's also much easier for those who cut up large tree trunks, branches and fence panels to later utilise these pieces of wood for other gardening projects in the future (such as the construction of a pergola or a garden bench). 

For more info about chainsaws, contact a local company.